~~TOC~~ ====== Users - Permissions ====== User Setup is available only to users with permission to access this feature. It allows merchants to maintain their own users. Before you add a new user you need to give them the correct permissions by clicking on “**More Settings**” Sample **Users Permissions** window: %settings_user_permission Allow **Pay Pages** – permission to modify Payment Page, if available Allow **Terminal Setup** – permission to modify merchant terminals settings Allow **Refund** – permission to perform Refunds Allow **Virtual Terminal** – permission to use Virtual Terminal Allow **User Setup** – permission to maintain merchant user accounts Allow **Open Batch** – permission to access Open Batch tool Allow **Closed Batch** – permission to access Closed Batch tool Allow **Bulk Payments** - this function should be enabled only if there is a special agreement between the merchant and %CompanyName Allow **Billing** - permission to access Merchant monthly billings Allow **Pre-Auth** – permission to authorize/complete pre-auth transactions. This field is available only when the merchant has at least one pre-auth enabled terminal Allow **Secure Tokens Storage** – permission to manage stored card details Allow **Subscriptions** – permission to manage subscriptions Allow **Dashboard** – permission to access the dashboard Allow **Scheduled Report** - permission to manage scheduled reports Clicking on the ‘**Add**’ button will create the new merchant user account. Contents of each field will be validated before saving, a corresponding message will appear on the screen if any field is invalid. Clicking on the ‘**Back**’ button will bring you back to the User List page and the user account will not be created.